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From the Desk of David Z.

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Will warm weather ever return?

It seems like it's never going to warm up. I've been traveling throughout the Northeast & Midwest these past several months and it's as cold as ever. So much for Global Warming…uh..."Climate Change" or whatever the heck they're calling it these days. I just want sunshine, warm weather, and short-sleeves to return! 

By the way, Martek Instruments will be attending the 34th Annual Electric Utility Chemistry Workshop in Champaign-Urbana, Illinois June 3-5, 2014. If you're going to attend, stop by our booth to learn more about what we do, trade war stories with me, and listen to me rant and rave about a variety of topics.

For more information on the EUCW, visit the following website:

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Darrell - March 27, 2014

The snow is almost gone, finally! The Chemistry Workshop is close in location to Kankakee, IL. I’ll look for your booth if I make there. I am searching for a higher range conductivity calibrator then your Mark 25. Somthing that can measure to 200 mS/cm.

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